The Fine Art of Wisdom
Words are powerful. I'm sitting here thinking about the power I have on the tips of my fingers by writing on a page for anyone to see. I can build you up, tear you down, blow your mind, make you feel rage or joy or sadness, enlighten you, confuse you, encourage you, comfort you. That is a terrifying power.
Spoken words do not come easily to me. I have had multiple conversations with people in which they say a lot of important things and I want to add something important too, but my mind is blank or the words don't come out right. Many times I will text them after and suddenly have the exact words I needed half an hour before. I think in solid blocks of thought, not in little snippets strung together.
Writing is much easier than speaking. I started consistently journaling as a New Year's Resolution for a bit over a year and discovered that I really enjoy writing. It surprised me because I had always thought journaling was something like "Today I had classes and Jack was mean to me. But then I went home and had Fruity Pebbles for a snack and then I felt better." But instead I let whatever I thought flow onto the paper and I processed my feelings and thoughts better than I ever had before. My writing became "God, today I had this weird interaction with a friend and now I'm questioning whether or not I should say something about it. I am uncomfortable talking to them, but I value them as a person and would hate to hurt their feelings or break off ties completely. What should I do? Talk to them directly? Write it out first? Let it pass over?" I reflect, thank God, ask Him for wisdom, pray for people, process my feelings, write down new discoveries about people or the world or how amazing art is.

The Chinese literati poets wrote poetry not to make it beautiful, but as a way of expressing themselves. Because they expressed themselves, their poetry was beautiful. That is what I wish to do here. More than that. I wish to express myself authentically, and through that to share Truth. Words are powerful. The most powerful word is the Word of God- Jesus. Jesus is complex and real and infinitely more wonderful than any of us could imagine and He needs to be brought to life through words and images that tell stories. I am still learning about Him and who He is, but we can get to know Him together. Sometimes that means expanding your worldview, understanding how the rest of the world thinks and then holding fast to the option that screams "TRUTH." This is how we deal with doubt. This is how we become confident in what we know, by distinguishing between the lies and the truth, gaining knowledge and using wisdom to discern the best choice.
I can offer but a small facet of the truth for you to look at. It may be small but it is colorful and rich and hopefully transparent enough for the light to shine through, like a stained glass window. It is beautiful.